Pre-operative Clearance
If you are a surgical candidate, our office staff will help facilitate scheduling a surgical date. Dr. Ali performs most of his surgical procedures at The Orthopaedic & Spine Institute at NorthShore University.
All of Dr. Ali’s surgical procedures involve undergoing general anesthesia, even if your procedure is going to be arthroscopic. It is important to disclose your medical history at the time of your office visit to ensure the best surgical outcome possible.
Prior to any surgery, you will need to undergo pre-operative testing with your primary medical doctor. You will be given a list of orders that your physician will need to complete to prove that you are medically fit to undergo anesthesia. Our office staff will help facilitate getting the pre-operative orders to you.
We will need to have all of your pre-operative tests and results back prior to your surgery so that the anesthesiologist may review them.
Preparing For Surgery
Once you have completed your pre-operative clearance, you need to make appropriate arrangements for the day of surgery and the recovery time after.
Make sure that you have arranged a ride to and from your surgery. Even if your procedure is going to be done on an outpatient basis, you will still need a friend or family member to accompany you home. We are not permitted to let patients walk or take a cab home after surgery.
If you were given orders by Dr. Ali to have special DME (durable medical equipment) fitted, be sure to bring the equipment with you on the day of surgery so that it can be put on in the operating room once your surgery is complete. If you were not given a specific order for DME at the time of your office visit, any necessary braces or slings will be supplied by the hospital or surgery center and will be applied in the operating room.
You will be responsible for arranging any transportation needed while in a sling or a brace. It is strongly advised that you do not drive while wearing durable medical equipment.
You will need to discuss any medications that you take with both Dr. Ali and also your primary care provider.